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Today there are lot of air purifier depending upon different principles. Most of the purifiers depend upon tradional method 'HEPA'. But now technology is changing and also purifiers that now even purifies air at micro level. Two of the principles on which these purifiers work are 'PECO' and 'Ozonier'.


This is now a tradional method to purify air. HEPA stands for high-efficiency particulate air. A HEPA filter is a type of mechanical air filter; it works by forcing air through a fine mesh that traps harmful particles such as pollen, pet dander, dust mites, and tobacco smoke. You can find HEPA filters in most air purifiers.


Used to purify air

It is a type of air purifier that uses ozone to kill bacteria. Ozone is a naturally occuring gas. A molecule of ozone has three oxygen atm. Ozone layer shields Earth from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun, it is pollutant at ground level.
However when used in right amount, ozone can purifies the air.

An ozonier is a device that generate ozone by charging the air with high voltage electricity. The gas is then released in air. Ozone improves air quality by removing unpleasant odours and killing microbes.

This is also used to sanitize food and drinking water without hurting their nutritional content.

On the flip side, some scientific studies suggest ozone can be harmful for humans and hence it should be used in care.


Today the new, best and safe concept of air purify is PECO. Photo Electrochemical Oxidation (PECO), works at the molecular level to eliminate indoor air pollution.

Developed over two decades by research scientists, PECO is an innovative technology that utilizes free radicals—the same radicals used to kill cancer cells—to oxidize pollutants.

By using nanotechnology, PECO is able to destroy pollutants 1000 times smaller than traditional HEPA filters (0.1 nanometers versus 300 nanometers). With the help of this engineers made a purifier known as MOLEKULE

STEP1. Air Intake
It intake air from every corner
STEP2. Pre Filter
The air is circulated through the pre filter, trapping larger allergens like dust, pollen and dander.
STEP3. Nano Filter
PECO at work. A chemical reaction is created when a nanoparticle-coated filter is activated by light, breaking down harmful pollutant to their most basic molecular components.
STEP4. Pure Air
Molekule disperses harmless molecules that are meant to be in air, leaving your home pollution free in minutes.

The standard on the basis purifiers are tested is CADR

CADR stands for Clean Air Delivery Rate. This lets you identify how quickly the air purifier functions. It calculates how many cubic feet of air the purifier can filter in one minute. Higher the CADR number, better the air filtration. Air purifiers consist of three CADR numbers for dust, pollen and smoke.


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